Filling Small Cavities

If you experience pain while chewing, drinking, or talking, you might have a cavity. Cavities form when excess bacteria or sticky foods remain in the crevices of your teeth. When cavities form, your Wilmington, Delaware dentist will replace your tooth enamel with a composite mixture to fill the space.

Unfortunately, some people are more prone to cavities than others. In other words, their enamel breaks down easier, allowing for cavities to form. Though everyone should see their dentist at least every six months, these individuals in Wilmington, Delaware might have to see their dentist more often for routine cleanings.

When you see our dental team, we’ll run a variety of dental scans to identify cavities. In addition to digital scans, our hygienists will check your teeth while cleaning your smile, looking for signs of decay or damage. After examining your smile, we will consult with you about your oral health, recommending the best way to proceed. 

The Dental Filling Procedure

First, we will take scans of your smile using our advanced technology and exceptional scanning software. This ensures that your fillings will match your bite for seamless integration. 

Next, your dentist will numb the area surrounding your cavity. We don’t want you to feel any discomfort during your dental filling so we’ll make sure that the area is completely numb. However, you don’t have to worry about going back to work with a numb smile! We use OraVerse to reverse the numbness after your procedure so you can immediately eat, drink, and talk normally. 

After numbing your gums and nerve receptors, your dentist will clean out the decay in your tooth. When there is no more decay, we will thoroughly sterilize your tooth to prepare it for the composite filling. Using our 3D scans of your smile, your dentist will ensure a comfortable bite.

When your filling is in place, our dentists will give you OraVerse to reverse the numbing effects. Instead of waiting for a few hours to eat and speak normally, you can go back to your normal life as soon as you leave our office.  

Replacing Metal Fillings

Here at our office, we believe in functional and comfortable dentistry practices. If you have any issues with your bite or your past dentistry, we’d like to help you get your smile back on track. 

That’s why we replace metal, or amalgam, fillings with tooth-colored fillings. Metal fillings, though durable, often leave a permanent metallic taste in your mouth. When your mouth constantly tastes metallic, eating your favorite foods and drinking tasty drinks become less appealing. 

If you have metal fillings that make your life less enjoyable, visit us to discuss replacing them with tooth-colored fillings.

Your Dental Team in Wilmington for Dental Fillings

Tooth-colored dental fillings are the easiest, timeliest way to repair small cavities. If you need a regular dentist for routine dental cleanings or to fill a small cavity, Dr. Goodling in Wilmington, DE would love to help. Schedule an appointment with our team by calling us at (302) 994-0979.